In this workshop, we’ll learn how to use QGIS to create OpenIndexMaps GeoJSON files that can be used in GeoBlacklight and elsewhere to provide access to a series of maps, aerial photos, or other datasets.
Stephen Appel, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Tom Brittnacher, University of California Santa Barbara
UBC Vancouver Campus – Koerner Library, Digital Scholarship Lab, Room 497.
Bring your own laptop with QGIS installed, or use one of 10 computers in the lab (first-come, first serve).
The QGIS Version 3.28.5 LTR (Firenze) is what we used for planning and what is installed in the computer lab.
Most versions of QGIS will work fine for the limited functionality needed for the workshop.
directory.We’ll start with a bit of background information about:
Then we’ll work through various scenarios:
Finally, we will lead a disussion about future steps, community feedback, and questions.
If you want to try an example using point data from a spreadsheet containing coordinates, you can do the optional exercise:
This workshop is a fork of a workshop held at Geo4LibCamp, February 3, 2020 by Keith Jenkins, GIS Librarian at Cornell University
Note that we skipped Excercise 4 from the original workshop, Create a polygon index map using virtual layer magic. We also turned exercise 2 from the original workshop into the optional exercise.