Documentaiton for Geocombine

For the most up-to-date information, see the GeoCombine Repository.

Technical Documnetation for the GeoCombine Gem

GeoCombine is a Ruby toolkit for managing geospatial metadata.

It include tasks for cloning, updating, and indexing OpenGeoMetadata metadata.

It has a library for converting metadata between standards.

GeoCombine rake tasks are scheduled via the Whenever gem in config/schedule.rb.

# Updates the UWM OpenGeoMetadata directory (git pull) and re-index
every :monday, at: "4:00 am", roles: [:app] do
  # Ours
  rake "geocombine:pull[edu.uwm]"
  # Direct from GeoCombine
  rake "geocombine:pull[edu.uchicago]"
  rake "geocombine:pull[edu.illinois]"
  rake "geocombine:pull[edu.indiana]"
  rake "geocombine:pull[edu.uiowa]"
  rake "geocombine:pull[edu.umd]"
  rake "geocombine:pull[edu.msu]"
  rake "geocombine:pull[edu.umn]"
  rake "geocombine:pull[edu.unl]"
  rake "geocombine:pull[edu.nyu]"
  rake "geocombine:pull[edu.osu]"
  rake "geocombine:pull[edu.psu]"
  rake "geocombine:pull[edu.purdue]"
  rake "geocombine:pull[edu.rutgers]"
  rake "geocombine:pull[edu.umich]"
  # Metadata We've Converted
  rake "geocombine:pull[edu.wisc.aardvark]"
  rake "geocombine:pull[edu.uwm.converted]"
  # Index
  rake "geocombine:index"

Main Rake Tasks:

Rake tasks are run in the application directory. On the Development and Production environments, this is found in: /var/www/rubyapps/uwm-geoblacklight/current In your local environment, you just run it in the GeoDiscovery directory.

Index metadata in tmp/OpenGeoMetadata:

bundle exec rake geocombine:index

Depending on the environment, you may need to specify the SOLR_URL and SCHEMA_VERSION environment variables.

SOLR_URL= SCHEMA_VERSION=Aardvark bundle exec rake geocombine:index

Delete all sample data from solr:

bundle exec rake uwm:index:delete_all

Table of contents