OGM Aardvark

AGSL Geodiscovery uses the OpenGeoMetadata Aardvark Schema. The schema is based on Dublin Core with custom elements for GeoBlacklight geoportals and is focused on Discovery rather than description/documentation. The GeoBlacklight application uses Solr to ingest JSON formatted metadata.

Some institutions, notably UW-Madison, have not yet moved to the Aardvark Schema and are instead using GeoBlacklight Schema 1.0. Madison has plans to move to GeoBlacklight version 4.x and to the Aardvark Schema in March 2024.

AGSL Implementation of the OGM Aardvark Metadata Schema

The full OGM Aardvark schema description can be accessed here.

The purpose of the remainder of this page is to document the AGSL’s implementation of the schema for our Digital Spatial Data Collection, for indexing of metadata harvested from open data portals, and potentially how we manipulate and ingest metadata from OpenGeoMetadata.

Name (bold: required by GBL) Field Name Implementation
Title dct_title_s We use Madison’s filenaming convention, e.g. “Parks Milwaukee County, Wisconsin 2009”. Some use a date range. Geography_Theme_Year
Resource Class gbl_resourceClass_sm Controlled vocab, e.g. Collections, Datasets, Imagery, Maps, Web services, Websites, Other. We mostly use Datasets. Web services and Maps will likley be used too.
Access Rights dct_accessRights_s Public or Restricted. How can we use to differentiate between UW and UWM restriction?? Or should we use “rights” for that?
ID id This field makes up the URL for the resource in GeoBlacklight. It is visible to the user and is used to create permalinks. We use a modified ARK for this, e.g. ark:-77981-gmgs1j97737
Modified gbl_mdModified_dt This value should indicate when the metadata (not the resource itself) was last modified.
Metadata Version gbl_mdVersion_s We use “Aardvark” for all records
Description dct_description_sm second-most prominent value (after Title). User readable text that describes the dataset.
Language dct_language_sm “eng” for most, we get this from the ISO.
Creator dct_creator_sm We use the ISO “source” for this. For example, Metro Data Resource Center. Can be multivalued.
Provider schema_provider_s Always “American Geographical Society Library – UWM Libraries”, this is attached to our little SVG icon that displays in other portals!
Resource Type gbl_resourceType_sm Line data, Polygon Data, etc.
Theme dcat_theme_sm Transportation, Society, etc.
Temporal Coverage dct_temporal_sm We’re storing an ISO date here, but it is intedned to be human readable. Maybe we should rethink this one?
Date Issued dct_issued_s This fills the “Date Issued” field on the show page.
Index Year gbl_indexYear_im The “main” year. Doesn’t appear to the user except in the Year facet. Should be the same as year in the title (not for range?)
Spatial Coverage dct_spatial_sm Spatial Keywords, e.g. “Milwaukee”, “Wisconsin”, “Portland Metro”, etc. These get shown to the user and linked to the “place” facet.
Geometry locn_geometry Powers the map search. ENVELOPE or WKT syntax ENVELOPE(W,E,N,S) Wrong on some records!
Bounding Box dcat_bbox Should also be WENS, overlap ratio boosting in spatial searches.
Rights dct_rights_sm We use our standard “please see” link and standard language about digital colelctions and copyright. OGM specifies it should be used for more free text description of access rights, etc. Could expand beyond current boilerplate use.
Format dct_format_s Controlled vocab, e.g. shapefile, GeoJSOB, GeoTIFF, etc.
References dct_references_s defines external services and references using the CatInterOp approach, serialized JSON array of key/value pairs. List of Reference URIs supported
Identifier dct_identifier_sm We display our ArkID here
Supressed gbl_suppressed_b We have this as “false” for everything right now, but could use it to hide records.