Configure the GeoDiscovery Application


Probably the file we would use the most for simple configurations.

configure_blacklight block is where we make most configuration settings such as critical Solr settings and paramters.

Default rows returned from Solr.

  • Default Facets (e.g. config.add_facet_field Settings.Fields.INDEX_YEAR, label: "Year", limit: 10)
    • See settings.yml to see where these are coming from.
    • Decide if facets are collapsed by default
    • What component will render component?
    • The order they appear is the order they will render on the UI
  • Item Relationships
  • Search Results Field
  • Item Show page/View page display
    • Most Aardvark fields shown by default, we may decide we want to add/remove
  • Sort values
  • Show tools (SMS, Email)
  • Basemap for the map

These things might be rendered through a helper method. Examples including truncating abstracts or the helper that renders HTML in the rights field (the link to our Copyright and Digital Collections policy page).


  • Set the metadata schmea version, currently Aardvark
  • solr field mappings
  • Institutional text
  • Relationship field management
  • Leaflet Settings


Redis and Sidekiq use this file to run scheduled tasks.

and Whenever to write the crontab entries

  • Harvest thumbnail images for search results
  • Build the sitemap
  • Clean up anonymous user accounts created by search sessions
  • Clean up recent anonymous search records
# Clear the current crontab for the geoblacklight user
sudo crontab -r -u geoblacklight

# List the crontab for the current user (geoblacklight)
crontab -l

> no crontab for geoblacklight

# See the schedule.rb file in the crontab format

# Write the crontab based on schedule.rb
whenever -w

> [geoblacklight@liblamp-dev8 current]$ crontab -l
> # Begin Whenever generated tasks for: /var/www/rubyapps/uwm-geoblacklight/releases/20240705201033/config/schedule.rb at: 2024-07-24 09:21:04 -0500
> 5 0 * * * /bin/bash -l -c 'cd /var/www/rubyapps/uwm-geoblacklight/releases/20240705201033 && RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake gblsci:images:harvest_retry --silent'
> 30 0 * * * /bin/bash -l -c 'cd /var/www/rubyapps/uwm-geoblacklight/releases/20240705201033 && RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake sitemap:refresh --silent'
> 30 1 * * * /bin/bash -l -c 'cd /var/www/rubyapps/uwm-geoblacklight/releases/20240705201033 && RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake devise_guests:delete_old_guest_users[2] --silent'
> 0 2 * * * /bin/bash -l -c 'cd /var/www/rubyapps/uwm-geoblacklight/releases/20240705201033 && RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake blacklight:delete_old_searches[7] --silent'
> 30 2 * * * /bin/bash -l -c 'cd /var/www/rubyapps/uwm-geoblacklight/releases/20240705201033 && RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake uwm:opendataharvest:harvest_dcat --silent'
> 00 3 * * * /bin/bash -l -c '. /var/www/rubyapps/uwm-geoblacklight/current/bin/'

# End Whenever generated tasks for: /var/www/rubyapps/uwm-geoblacklight/releases/20240705201033/config/schedule.rb at: 2024-07-24 09:21:04 -0500


Storage for images used in the app:

  • favicons
  • UWM Logos


  • Initial bounds of map is set in application.js
  • uwm.js contains some UWM customizations like the scrolltop feature


Various stylesheets to set color defaults, link colors, etc.