GeoBlacklight Sidecar Images

Harvest Thumbnails - GeoBlacklight Sidecar Images

This project uses the GeoBlacklight Sidecar Images gem to collect search result thumbnails.

Ensure Sidekiq and Redis are working as expected by running Sidekiq Monitor:

bundle exec sidekiqmon

Sidekiq 7.3.0
2024-08-09 20:05:07 UTC

---- Overview ----
  Processed: 80
     Failed: 1
       Busy: 0
   Enqueued: 0
    Retries: 0
  Scheduled: 0
       Dead: 0

---- Processes (0) ----

---- Queues (1) ----
default       0     0.00

That gem includes several helpful rake tasks to manage thumbnail images:

bundle exec rake gblsci:images:harvest_all
bundle exec rake gblsci:images:harvest_states
bundle exec rake gblsci:images:harvest_failed_state_inspect
bundle exec rake gblsci:images:harvest_report
bundle exec rake gblsci:images:harvest_retry
bundle exec rake gblsci:images:harvest_purge_all
bundle exec rake gblsci:images:harvest_purge_orphans
DOC_ID='stanford-cz128vq0535' bundle exec rake gblsci:images:harvest_doc_id

Read more about each rake task on the gem README file.