OpenGeoMetadata and GeoCombine

See the documentation page for OpenGeoMetadata

See the repository for GeoCombine

Clone all OGM repos to /tmp:

bundle exec rake geocombine:clone

However, this gives us no control over what repositories we pull down.

Clone a specific OGM repo to /tmp:

bundle exec rake geocombine:clone[edu.stanford.purl]

This use case is more common.

You can check to see what repositories are cloned in ../GeoDiscovey/tmp/opengeometadata

Right now these are the repositories being regularly pulled down:

ls tmp/opengeometadata/
edu.illinois  edu.msu  edu.osu  edu.purdue   edu.uchicago  edu.umd    edu.umn  edu.uwm  edu.wisc.aardvark
edu.indiana   edu.nyu  edu.psu  edu.rutgers  edu.uiowa     edu.umich  edu.unl  edu.uwm.converted

edu.wisc.aardvark is a repository on the UWM Libraries GitHub with a version of UW-Madison’s Metadata

edu.uwm.converted is a repository on the UWM Libraries GitHub with a version of other institutions’ metadata

Both of these repositories have Aardvark version metadata that was converted by UWM Libraries staff from GBL 1.0 version metadata.

These repositories can be cloned with git directly, rather than a rake task. Once they are cloned, they can be updated just like the other repos with:

bundle exec rake geombine:pull[edu.wisc.aardvark]

Update local OpenGeoMetadata repositories

bundle exec rake geocombine:pull[repo]

This will update (via git pull) the specified repo.

Running it without a specified repo seems functionally equivalent to rake geocombine:clone which will pull everything from OGM, even repos we might not want!

Index cloned repos into Solr

bundle exec rake geocombine:index

Depending on your environment, you may need to set…


The last environment variable is also useful for targeting specific directories for indexing. But could have wider use managing the location of stored JSON metadata documents.

On your local environment, the SCHEMA_VERSION is set to Aardvark via the .env.test and .env.development files using the dot-env gem.

On your local environment, the SOLR_URL is set to via the .env.test and .env.development files using the dot-env gem.

In production, these could be set by either using a .env.production file or by specifying in the rake command, for example:

SCHEMA_VERSION=Aardvark SOLR_URL= bundle exec rake geocombine:index

If these functions don’t work, ensure your current user has read/write access to the .git/ directory of the targeted repo. Permission issues can arise.